Illegal Construction within Wedithalative Nature Reserve (CA/W/191/2023)


The Wedithalathive Nature Reserve was declared as a Nature Reserve under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance by virtue of the Gazette Extraordinary bearing No. 1956/13 dated 1st of March 2016 and has a very rich and vibrant ecosystem consisting of mangroves, mudflats, saltmarshes, seagrass beds and coral reefs. EFL while working with the Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods Forum, came to know about an illegal and unlawful construction of several concrete pillars within the boundaries of the Wedithalathive Nature Reserve.

EFL filed a Writ application on 10.04.2023 against the Director General of the Department of Wildlife Conservation and the Hon. Minister of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation to cause the cessation of any illegal constructions within the Reserve


When the case came up on the 07th of November 2023, the State Counsel stated that action had already been taken against the party who erected the concrete pillars and accordingly the case was re-fixed for the 29th of January 2024.