Mini Hydro Powere Plants

Report on the Site Visit to Koskulana Mini Hydro Power Project

EFL conducted a site visit to Koskulana on the 14th of December 2015 to investigate the environmental impacts posed by a mini hydro power plant constructed on the banks of the Koskulana River, located in the buffer zone of the Sinharaja Forest. In addition to the extensive environmental damage caused by the construction of the weir and powerhouse, EFL was able to confirm discrepancies between the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and the implementation of the project. Download the full report here.

Balancing the Scales: Mini Hydro Development and the Environment

Environmental concerns have come to the forefront of global issues in recent years and the world has begun to move towards more sustainable methods of meeting the energy requirements of the growing population. As an island nation rich in natural resources Sri Lanka has the potential to engage in the generation of power through solar, wind and hydro energy. With the encouragement of the relevant government authorities’ Sri Lanka has seen a rise in the contribution of sustainable energy