The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process introduced by the National Environmental Act, No. 56 of 1988 is one of the key regulatory tools available to assess and plan to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts that could incur as a result of the implementation of proposed projects. EIA requires public participation throughout the project development process, yet public comments on development projects are seldom received due to the lack of awareness of the process. This poor public participation in the EIA process has been recognized by many and as a result, there is a dire need to improve public participation in the EIA process.
The main focus of the project is twofold.
As a result of the review and research, the project will create an active ongoing dialogue on the lack of public participation in the EIA process. Consequently, it will ensure that public participation in the EIA process is carried out more efficiently and effectively, thereby protecting the rights of the people of Sri Lanka.
Environmental Foundation
(Guarantee) Limited
No. 171,
Sri Gnanendra Mawatha,
Sri Lanka
Phone: +94 (11) 289 0984
Company Reg. Number GL32
Conduct a workshop
Website photographs by
Rishani Gunasinghe
Kasun De Silva
Uvini Senanayake
Copyright © Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited. All Rights Reserved.