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Climbing out of the Garbage Dump - Managing Colombo's Solid Waste Problem

Garbage is one of our most pressing problems. It is everywhere: surrounding our homes, schools and hospitals, lining our roads, and blocking our drains, waterways and beaches. The mountain of garbage in Bloemendhal, on one of the main roads leading into Colombo from the international airport, has now become a landmark in our city for both tourists and locals alike.

Country Synthesis Report on Urban Air Quality Management

This series of country reports is the first time that a comprehensive overview of urban air quality management (AQM) at the country level has been prepared in Asia. Research compilation for this country synthesis report (CSR) on Urban Air Quality Management was led by the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) Secretariat with inputs by a range of organizations and air quality experts from across Asia and elsewhere and facilitated by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through its Regional Technical Assistance No. 6291: Rolling Out Air Quality Management in Asia. The primary authors of the reports are Ms. Aurora Fe Ables, Ms. May Ajero, Mr. Herbert Fabian, and Ms. Ninette Ramirez, all from CAIAsia, under the supervision of Mr. Cornie Huizenga, Head of Secretariat, CAI-Asia.

Hakgala Strict Nature Reserve: Is Forest Loss Drying up our Water?

It is an indisputable fact that without water, no human life is possible. It has also been apparent for some time that Sri Lanka is facing a looming water crisis. As water shortages become more and more common and as the quality of water received declines further and further, we must question what impacts these trends will have on the future wellbeing of the country, its economy and its population.