Category:Cases - Ongoing, Legal

EFL instituted a writ application in the Court of Appeal of Sri Lanka, on the 23rd of March 2006, against the DWC as the mandated authority for the protection and conservation of Strict Natural Reserves (SNR) under the FFPO, due to widespread encroachment of the Hakgala Strict Natural Reserve (including grants issued by the government and premises leased out by the government for Ambewela farm). The initial writ application that was filed in the Court of Appeal in 2006 was settled on the 23rd of May 2007, incorporating 5 conditions. These are, inter alia, demarcating the original boundaries of the Hakgala SNR and the eviction and prosecution of illegal encroachers. However, DWC failed to carry out the evictions and institute action against the encroachers as directed by the Court for over 4 years and therefore EFL reopened this case in 2011.
When the application was called on the 22nd of November 2023, the case was re-fixed for Arguments on the 09th of May 2024 (Top of List) as the bench was not constituted.