Project name
Spatial Data for Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation at the National Scale
Project status
The Japan Biodiversity Fund (JBF) of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) is currently undertaking a series of pilot studies of the use of spatial and socio-economic data in biodiversity planning at national scale, including National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) preparation and implementation.
Commencing in February 2016, Environmental Foundation Limited, will serve as the local partner for the project. The priority objective of this spatial analysis is to identify NBCAP’s conservation priorities vis-à-vis the Government of Sri Lanka’s socio‐economic development plans and provide recommendations for implementation of the NBCAP.
The components of the project include checking the availability of national wide data/information in relation to biodiversity, socio-economic, climatic aspects, natural resources availability, administration boundaries and other important areas and the identification of gaps in the availability of data, as well research into such areas with the overall objective of compiling documents/maps incorporating all important aspects in biodiversity conservation and NBSAP.
EFL will work closely with the National Biodiversity Secretariat, and other Government and Private Sector organizations/institutions in developing this spatial analysis. This analysis will identify conservation and priorities in Sri Lanka and then produce several socio-economic and infrastructural spatial overlays to identify areas of conflict and will prioritize where conservation should take precedence over infrastructure and other development, and where mitigations could help minimize environmental impacts.
The final product is expected launch in December 2016, the final product will be freely accessible to everyone.