Green conversations is a reputed talk series conducted by EFL, this is conducted in a flashing format where the speakers take turns in talking on a particular topic for very brief durations and opening up the floor for discussion.

The fourth conversation in the consecutive series which was centered around energy, was held at Hatch on the 18th September 2019.


Sustainable energy is almost synonymous with sustainable development. So a dialogue on the energy usage is a need of the millenium. Green conversation was resourced with experts from the field who brought valuable insights to the evening.

Mr. Vidhura Ralapanawe, who is an energy sector specialist did the opening speech of the evening on how non-renewable energy can be replaced with renewable sources. He also pointed out examples like Australia where they strive to use renewable energy although they are rich in coal. Mr. Vidhura further explained the targets of the government and how they can be achieved through innovation and engineering. The repercussions of the excessive use of no-renewable energy sources were also mentioned.  Interesting statistics were presented related to the Sri Lankan context and he declared that there is hardly any energy challenge which cannot be overcome through proper strategy and use of technology.


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