Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited (EFL) is looking for a Head of Science for their Science Division. EFL is a non-profit public litigation organisation on environmental concerns. EFL’s Vision is “Justice for Nature” and our work ranges from litigation to conservation and scientific research, including collaborative efforts with government officials to develop national policies and legal reforms, implement projects and create awareness among the public. Job role: Head of Science Duties and Responsibilities Science and conservation Identify key research areas, and work with science officer
By: Sachini Perera Water is a vital resource for life, with flora and fauna species, including humans, dependent on it for food, energy, shelter, agriculture and much more. The value of water requires the recognition of the vast environmental, economic, and social services it offers, such as purifying air, storing carbon and enhancing biodiversity (IUCN, 2021). Globally, freshwater habitats account for rich biodiversity. Rivers, such as the Amazon and Mekong, are vast ecosystems for floral and faunal species and are primary sources
SC/FR/29/2020 On 31.12.2019, Circular No. 173/12/2019 was issued by the Director-General of Geological Survey and Mines Bureau (GSMB) to amend the mining permit/license issuing procedure on the ground that there is a delay in the process. Circular No. 173/12/2019 repealed Circular No.118/05/2015 that provided environmental safeguards for mining activities. Under the 2015 Circular, applicants needed to obtain ‘Environmental Clearances/Recommendations’ from the Central Environmental Authority (CEA) before getting the mining permit/license for sand, gravel, clay, and soil.
Photography Link to photos –https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19R3lS1vyRz7LZp4Urw3O43_wMKZs1sF8?usp=sharing Open category 1st place – PC29A – Dhananjaya Dassanayake 2nd place – PC14B – Tilan Weerasinghe 3rd place – PC30B – Yohan Fernando Honourable mentions Sithika Kariawasam Aaron Johnpillai Art Link to art – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pbe1BDKo6IB5GwKF41DDaCHlfys1-Y78?usp=sharing Under 12 1st place – AA29B – Ravindi Jayathilaka 2nd place- AA14A – Thanumi de Silva
Online articles : Daily Mirror – https://www.dailymirror.lk/news-features/EFL-40th-Anniversary-Celebrating-milestones-and-looking-to-the-future-together/131-218325 Daily FT – https://www.ft.lk/sustainability__environment/EFL-40th-anniversary–Celebrating-milestones-and-looking-to-the-future-together/10519-721611 Lanka Business Online- https://www.lankabusinessonline.com/efl-40th-anniversary-celebrating-milestones-and-looking-to-the-future/ Sunday Times- http://www.sundaytimes.lk/210808/business-times/efl-marks-its-40th-anniversary-451473.html
By: Piyumi Wattuhewa The participation of the Youth should be taken into consideration at all stages of the EIA process. Image Credits: https://www.timesonline.lk/news-online/In-Pictures-Stop-Ecocide-Protest-at-Viharamahadevi-Park/2-1132652 The theme of this year’s International Youth Day which was held on 12th of August, 2021 was ‘Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health’. The contributions of young people as innovators and the eventual inheritors of a country’s environmental protection has thus been recognized globally and has been given centre-stage in conversations relating
කර්තෘ: කුමුදිකා පෙරේරා උධෘතය: තොරතුරු දැනගැනීමේ අයිතිවාසිකම හරහා රාජ්ය පරිපාලනයේ විනිවිදභාවය, සහ වගකිවයුතුභාවය ළඟා කරගත හැකිය. මුල් අයිතිය: Daily Mirror මහජන අදහස් විමසීම සහ මහජන සහභාගීත්වය, පාරිසරික බලපෑම් තක්සේරු කිරීමේ (EIA) වාර්තා ක්රියා පටිපාටියේ වැදගත් අංගයක් උසුලන බව මින් පෙර සාකච්ඡා කරන ලදී. එමෙන්ම මහජනතාවට පරිශීලනය කළ හැකි තොරතුරු ද මහජන සහභාගීත්වය ඔප්නැංවීමට අවස්ථාව සලසයි. ශ්රී ලංකා ප්රජාතාන්ත්රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජයේ දහනවවන ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනය, 14A ව්යවස්ථාව මගින් තොරතුරු දැනගැනීමේ අයිතිවාසිකම
By: Kumudika Perera RTI can be a tool for greater transparency and accountability in the EIA process to facilitate public participation effectively. Image Credits- Daily Mirror - Header In EFL’s previous blogs, we have discussed how and why public participation is vital in the process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Information fed to the public domain is thus important as information increases the effectiveness of public participation and is viewed as a prerequisite for a successful democracy. In