Urban Green Project For A Cooler Colombo Timeline : 24 months Funds Required : LKR 13,400,000 The city of Colombo hosts more than two million people whose well-being largely depends on ecosystem services provided by remote natural areas. The fact that nature conservation in the city can contribute to human well-being, and the resulting benefits, are often disregarded. Urban systems, in fact, host many natural environments rich in biodiversity including a range of ecosystem services and hence,
Wildlife Conservation through Citizen Science Participation Timeline : 24 months Required Funds : LKR 3,400,000 Fund this project Science relies a lot on data collection. However, in a developing country like Sri Lanka, scientists are often challenged with lack of resources such as manpower which restrict their work to limited geographical areas. However technical it may be, science is not only restricted to scientists. Any citizen who is passionate about environmental conservation and is willing to
Timeline -5 months (for a program consisting of 5 bins) Funds required– LKR 260,000 Littering and open dumping in urban areas of Sri Lanka is a common eyesore and health hazard. They act as breeding sites for diseases, generate foul odour and are visual pollutants. The lack of infrastructure and publicly available collection bins are part of the issue and have attributed towards the public developing poor waste management habits to the extent of littering becoming the norm. In order to clean up