වර්තමානය වන විට ආසාදිතයින් සංඛ්යාව ලක්ෂ 34 ඉක්මවූ නව කොරෝනා වෛරසය හෙවත් COVID – 19 වෛරසය සතුන්ගෙන් මිනිසුන්ට සම්ප්රේෂණය වූ බවට විද්යාඥයින් විසින් විවිධ මත දරනුයේ මින් පෙර ලොව පුරා ව්යාප්ත වූ සාර්ස් කොරෝනා වෛරසය උරුලෑවන්ගෙන් ද මර්ස් කොරෝනා වෛරසය ඔටුවන්ගෙන් ද මිනිසුන්ට සම්ප්රේෂණය වී ඇති බවය. මෙතෙක් මිනිසුන්ට ආසාදනය වී නොමැති කොරෝනා වෛරස් කිහිපයක් සතුන් අතර සංසරණය වන බව විවිධ පර්යේෂණයන් මඟින් සොයාගෙන ඇත. COVID – 19 වෛරස යනු සෙම්ප්රතිශ්යාවේ සිට දරුණු නිදන්ගත ශ්වසන රෝග දක්වා වර්ධනය විය හැකි රෝගාබාධ
EFL had the privilege of participating in the 2nd International Conference on Climate Change 2018, held in Colombo from the 15-16th of February. Under this year’s theme, “Climate Change & Global Sustainability: Action for Bridging the Gap”, Dr. Eric Wickramanayake presented on the topic, “Forest Conservation as a Strategy to Reduce Climate Vulnerability in Sri Lanka: What to Protect and Where?”. As we all know, climate change is a significant driver affecting ecological, social, economic, and governance systems, which in turn has
An Ecosystem Based Adaptation Plan against Climate Change and Natural Disasters The weather patterns we are now experiencing is the new ‘norm’; climate change is here to stay. It’s the present, not in the future. Climate projections show that we can expect more severe, unpredictable weather patterns now and in the future. Gone are the days when farmers, businesses, and people could plan their lives and livelihoods based on relatively predictable seasons. Instead, the ‘new norm’ will be erratic and heavy bouts
#WithNature. A simple enough starting point to begin a narrative about where you are, or so the UN thinks. Connecting people to nature is the theme for 2017’s World Environment Day (June 5th) and the aim is to get people to tell stories of their relationships with nature, to celebrate nature and to reconnect with it. It’s the ‘people’s day’ for owning their part as agents of change to protect our shared environment. [1] The aims are admirable
Professor Sir Robert Watson delivered a lecture on The Truth About Climate Change, on 23rd February 2017 at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institution at an event organized by Environmental Foundation Limited and Strategic Enterprise Management Association . Professor Watson was Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from 1997 to 2002 and Board co-chair for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment from 2000 to 2005. He is currently the Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Focusing on anthropogenic climate change