
Sampur Representatives Visit Norochcholai

In order to raise awareness of the effects of living in proximity to a coal power plant, EFL organized a visit to Norochcholai for 36 villagers from Sampur on the 28th of March, with the aid of Green Trincomalee Movement. The purpose of this event was to facilitate the direct exchange of information between two communities, so that community members of Sampur would benefit from firsthand knowledge of the adverse impacts of coal power. The Sampur villagers visited the boundary of

Sampur Site Visit Report

EFL conducted a visit to the proposed site of the Sampur Coal Power Plant on the 15th of March, in partnership with Otara Foundation and Trincomalee Green Movement. The purpose of the site visit was to ascertain the status of the coal power plant and observe potential threats that might arise to ecology and the local community due to the construction and operation of a coal power plant. [mk_button dimension=”three” size=”medium” outline_skin=”dark” bg_color=”#00c8d7″ text_color=”light” icon=”” url=”” target=”_self” align=”left” id=”Buton ID” margin_top=”0″